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These FAQs answer the most common questions we receive and provide you with quick and easy access to the answer.

Alternativey, our online manual can be found here to answer all your questions on how to use Lexacom 3 and it's associated services.

Please check here and the Knowledgebase first before submitting an online support form.

  1. How do I create my Lexacom Cloud account so I can use Mobile or access the Lexacom Cloud website?
  2. What third party hardware is compatible with Lexacom 3?
  3. What is the latest version of Lexacom 3?
  4. Which Clinical Systems does Lexacom 3 integrate with?
  5. Should I register for my Lexacom Cloud account via the website or via Lexacom 3?
  6. Can I use wet pedals with Lexacom 3?
  7. How do I find out more about using Lexacom or solving a problem?