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How do I create my Lexacom Cloud account so I can use Mobile or access the Lexacom Cloud website?

In order to use the exciting new features offered by Lexacom 3* and Lexacom Cloud, including Lexacom Mobile, you will need to create a Lexacom Cloud Account.

If you are not a Lexacom Administrator (in which case you should use the email and password used for Lexacom 3 Product Registration), follow these simple steps to start using Lexacom Mobile and the other services.

  • Log in to Lexacom Talk
  • Click on the Settings icon (Menu Icon)
  • Click on the Services tab (or Other tab if not running 3.10)
  • Under Cloud Account, enter your chosen email address as the Login
  • Enter and confirm a secure password - this must contain at least one captial letter and one number
  • Click Register - you will receive an email asking you to verify your email address and account

The email address used to create your personal cloud account must not be the same as the Group Administrator's email address.


* You must be running Lexacom v3.2 or later to use the Lexacom Cloud.  If you want to upgrade Lexacom, please click here for information.
