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Guides - Admin - Resetting a User's Password


How do I reset a user's Lexacom password?

How do I enforce a change in Lexacom password at next login?


To reset a user's Lexacom password:

  • Run Lexacom Admin
  • Go to Menu Icon > Settings > Users Editor
  • Within the Users Editor, click the Talk or Type tab corresponding to the type of user to be deactivated
  • Select the User in the left-hand list
  • Click Reset Password and Yes to the warning message that appears

A temporary password will be generated for the user; this is automatically copied into your clipboard for ease. When this temporary password is used to log into Lexacom the user will be prompted to reset their password.


Instead of resetting the user's password to a temporary password it is also possible to enforce a change of password when they next log in. To do this:

  • Run Lexacom Admin
  • Go to Menu Icon > Settings > Users Editor
  • Within the Users Editor, click the Talk or Type tab corresponding to the type of user to be deactivated
  • Select the User in the left-hand list
  • Click Edit
  • Tick the User must change password at next login checkbox
  • Click Save to commit the change

The user's current password remains valid, but when the user next logs into Lexacom they will be prompted to reset their password.




Created: 18 May 2015 15:12 BST Updated: 23 Nov 2015 09:13 GMT
