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Clinical System Integration - Automatically Importing from Clinical System


How do I set Lexacom to automatically import from my clinical system?


If Lexacom does not import when pressing the Import button ( Attachments icon ), please first check our articles on setting the clinical system integration for SystmOne, EMIS Web, EMIS PCS or EMIS LV as appropriate.

To set Lexacom to import when pressing the Record button on a new dictation:

  • Go to Attachments icon > Settings (if in Toolbar mode), or click the Settings icon (Menu Icon) (if in Form mode)
  • Click Integration Settings
  • Tick the checkbox for Retrieve Data Automatically
  • Click Save
  • Restart Lexacom


Created: 27 May 2015 16:35 BST Updated: 22 Jul 2015 16:24 BST
