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Guides - General - Retrieving Dictations from Tracking


How do I retrieve a completed dictation from Tracking as a Type User?

How do I retrieve a completed dictation from Tracking as the Administrator?


To retrieve a dictation from Tracking as a Type User:

  • Go to the Tracking tab
  • Find and select the dictation to retrieve in the list
  • If you cannot find the dictation:
    • Remember that the Tracking shows by the Seen On date, not the date the dictation was completed
    • Check that the date-range in the top left-hand corner covers the date on the dictation
    • Ensure that you have no filter or grouping that would hide the dictation
  • Double-click the dictation, or click the Load button

The dictation will then be loaded; the user may then play the dictation, or eject or forward this as desired.


Whilst Lexacom Admin cannot load dictations, it may be necessary to return a completed dictation from the Administrator tracking - for example, in the case that the user that has completed the dictation is not available to retreive the dictation from their own Tracking. To do this:

  • Run Lexacom Admin
  • Go to Menu Icon > View Tracking
  • Find and select the dictation in the list
  • If you cannot find the dictation:
    • Remember that the Tracking shows by the Seen On date, not the date the dictation was completed
    • Check that the date-range in the top left-hand corner covers the date on the dictation
    • Ensure that you have no filter or grouping that would hide the dictation
  • Click into the Status cell for the dictation
  • Use the drop-down menu to change the status from Dispatched to Ready for Transcribing
  • Click Save
  • Click the Refresh button
  • Use the Forward function to return the dictation to a Pool or User


Created: 18 May 2015 15:30 BST Updated: 23 Nov 2015 09:13 GMT
