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Guides - Talk - Changing Default Sounds in Lexacom Talk


How do I add or remove the default sounds in Lexacom Talk when I start, stop or send a recording?


To change whether Lexacom plays the default 'chirps', in Lexacom Talk:

  • Go to Attachments icon > Settings (if in Toolbar mode), or click the Settings icon (Menu Icon) (if in Form mode)
  • Go to the Other tab
  • Under Chirp Settings, tick (or untick) the checkbox for the action(s) on which you would like the sound to play:
    • Chirp on Record, when starting to record
    • Chirp on Send, when the dictation is sent to the service
    • Chirp on Stop, when stopping recording
  • Click Save
  • Restart Lexacom Talk




Created: 28 May 2015 09:58 BST Updated: 23 Nov 2015 09:07 GMT
