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Clinical System Integration - Using Multiple Clinical Systems


How do I switch between multiple clinical systems?

Why do I not have the option to switch between clinical systems?


Lexacom 3.9 supports multiple clinical systems, and individual users can be assigned to no, one or many clinical systems.

If a user has been assigned two or more clinical systems, Lexacom 3 will prompt to choose a clinical system at login:

  • Select the clinical system from the drop-down menu
  • Click OK

Clinical System Configuration Form

Figure 1: Sample Clinical System Picker

The clinical system in use can be changed within Lexacom 3 without requiring a restart; to do this:

  • Go to Menu Icon > Select Clinical System (if using Lexacom Type, or Talk in Toolbar mode), or click Menu Icon if using Lexacom Talk in Form mode
  • Select the clinical system from the drop-down menu
  • Click OK


If this option is not available, please confirm with your Lexacom Administrator that you have been assigned multiple clinical systems - this option will not appear to users that have been assigned one or no clinical system.

Created: 17 Sep 2015 12:40 BST Updated: 17 Sep 2015 12:40 BST
