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Guides - General - Dictation Not Visible to All Type Users


Why is some dictation visible to one Lexacom Type user and not another?

To troubleshoot:

  • Is the dictation visible to one Lexacom Type user and not to many? If so,  check the History of the dictation:
    • If the Author has sent the dictation to a single user, go to Cause 1
    • If the Lexacom Type user has loaded and ejected the dictation, go to Cause 2
    • If the dictation has been Forwarded to the user, go to Cause 3
  • Is the dictation visible to many Lexacom Type users and not to one? If so, check Cause 4 and Cause 5


Cause 1 - Dictation has been sent to one user

In addition to sending to a Pool (a group of Lexacom Type users), Lexacom Talk users may be given access to send to individual users. Dictation sent to an individual user is not visible to other users, but may be forwarded to the Pool. If the Lexacom Talk user is sending to individuals when they would rather send to a Pool, their allowed Services may need adjusting.


Cause 2 - Dictation has been 'Ejected'

If a user loads a dictation and then uses the Eject button to return this to their dictation list, that dictation does not automatically return to its original service, but stays with the user who Ejected the dictation - this is intentional, to prevent accidental duplication of work. The Ejected dictation may be forwarded back to the Pool.


Cause 3 - Dictation has been Forwarded to one User

When a user Forwards a dictation from one service to another they have the option to send this to a Pool or to an individual; if the dictation is forwarded to an individual it will be visible only to that user, but may be forwarded again back to the Pool.


Cause 4 - User has an Filter active

If the user can see some or no work in their Dictation list, they may have a Filter set that is filtering out some or all dictation. Filters allow users to filter out dictations from their dictation list based on sets of criteria as a tool for aiding workflow; these function in the common way Filters operate accross a range of programs. Check to see if the user has a filter set at the bottom of their Dictation window as shown in the figure below.

Filter Checkbox in Type

Figure 1: Active Filter on the Dictation Grid


Cause 5 - User is not a member of the Pool

If the user cannot see any of the work in a pool and does not have a filter set then they may not be a member of the Pool; to check this:

  • Run Lexacom Admin
  • Go to Menu Icon > Settings > Users Editor
  • Click Pools
  • On the right, click the [+] against the name of the Pool to expand the list of the members
  • Confirm that the user does not appear in the list of members


Resolution 1

To forward the dictation back to the pool from within Lexacom Type or Lexacom Admin:

  • Select the dictation
  • Click Forward
  • Select the Pool to which to forward the dictation, and click Forward

If the author has sent the dictation to the individual Lexacom Type user because they lack the ability to send to the Pool, or that user is set as their default service, you may wish to change that user's services. To do this:

  • Run Lexacom Admin
  • Go to Menu Icon > Settings > Users Editor
  • Click the Talk tab
  • Select the author's name on the left and click Edit
  • Under 'Services', change Default Send To to the preferred service (typically the Pool), and tick or untick the options for individual Lexacom Type users beneath, as preferred
  • Click Save


Resolution 2 & 3

To forward the dictation back to the pool from within Lexacom Type or Lexacom Admin:

  • Select the dictation
  • Click Forward
  • Select the Pool to which to forward the dictation, and click Forward


Resolution 4

Go to the left-hand side of the Filter bar, and either untick the tick-box to temporarily remove the filter, or click the red X to permanently erase the Filter. All work that was filtered out should immediately become visible.


Resolution 5

To add the user to the pool:

  • Run Lexacom Admin
  • Go to Menu Icon > Settings > Users Editor
  • Click Pools
  • Select the User on the left and then the Pool on the right
  • Click Add >> to add the User to the Pool
  • Reopen Lexacom Type if the user is already logged in


Created: 5 May 2015 10:40 BST Updated: 23 Nov 2015 09:11 GMT
