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Lexacom Mobile -1- Applying to use Lexacom Mobile


In order to make use of the services provided by Lexacom Mobile, you must first apply for access via your Lexacom system administrator.  To do so, follow the steps below:

  • Log in to Lexacom Talk
  • Click on the Settings icon (Menu Icon)
  • Click on the Services tab
  • Under Lexacom Mobile Account, enter your chosen email address as the Login
  • Enter and confirm a secure password

The email address used to create your personal cloud account must not be the same as the Group Administrator's email address.

  • Click Register
  • You will receive an email asking you to verify your email address and account
  • Once you have clicked on the verification link, your administrator will receive a request to allow you to use Lexacom Mobile with Lexacom 3
  • Once this has been approved, you can log onto Lexacom Mobile and start using it to dictate whenever and wherever you like

If you chose to register on the Lexacom Cloud website, you will need to enter the registered email and password into Lexacom Talk (as above) in order to use Lexacom Mobile.



After following the above guide, the registered group administrator will need to approve the application. This will be covered in the following guide: LEXKB0027

Created: 27 Jan 2015 10:48 GMT Updated: 22 Dec 2017 09:51 GMT
