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Troubleshooting - Footpedals do not work after update to 3.6+


On running Lexacom Type and selecting a dictation to transcribe, the footpedals do not perform any action following an update to Lexacom 3.6 or above, where previously running an earlier update.


In Lexacom, the option to allow Type users to personalise their FootPedal controls has been included.

If there were no settings saved prior to this update, there will be no actions assigned to the pedals.

In addition to this Lexacom 3.6 included suppoort for 4 pedal devices and in very rare circumstances pedals can stop operating.

This issue is caused by one or more database schema update scripts failing to run against a database that is outside the version of support for the update. If you have this problem, please contact Lexacom Support, who will apply the update against your installation manually.


To try to resolve:

  • Log on to Lexacom Type
  • Go to Menu Icon > Settings
    • If an error message appears at this point, please contact Lexacom Support
  • Go to the 'Pedals' tab
  • Change the Action for each pedal by making a selection from the drop-down list
  • Click Save to confirm your choices

Created: 17 Mar 2013 14:35 GMT Updated: 5 Sep 2016 16:58 BST
