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Guides - Admin - Viewing Recent Connections


How do I view recent connections in Lexacom?


In 3.7 the Lexacom Administrator can view recent connections to Lexacom 3. To view the connections:

  • Run Lexacom Admin
  • Go to Menu Icon > Data > User Logins


The window that will appear will show the recent connections to Lexacom including:

  • Machine Name
  • Machine ID
  • IP Address
  • Lexacom Version
  • First and last connection dates
  • Windows Username
  • Lexacom Username

This should allow you to monitor the regular users of Lexacom and, for example, to identify PCs that are not running the most recent version of Lexacom.

The User Logins window will not allow you to end their connection or force Lexacom to log off.

Created: 24 Apr 2015 12:22 BST Updated: 23 Nov 2015 09:15 GMT
