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Troubleshooting - How can I access the Lexacom log files?


How can I access the Lexacom log files?


To access the Lexacom log files:

  • Go to Menu Icon > About
  • Click View Logs

About Window Image

Figure 1: Lexacom About Window

This location stores the Lexacom log files:

  • Before Lexacom 3.7, all log files appear 'loose' in that folder
  • On 3.7 and above, log files are stored within folders under the name of the Windows user

To compress the files to send to Lexacom:

  • Select the contents of the folder
  • Right-click and select Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder
  • Rename the .zip folder to include the Site Name, Date, and Case Number (if known)
  • Attach and send this to helpdesk@lexacom.co.uk



Created: 18 May 2015 15:27 BST Updated: 23 Jul 2015 11:28 BST
