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Troubleshooting - Error Message after Updating to Lexacom 3.10


When running Lexacom 3.10 or above, an error message appears before the login screen appears reading "Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information" or "Could not load file or assembly ... ".

Error Message

Figure 1: Error Mesage 'Unable to load one or more of the requested types'

Error Message

Figure 2: Error Message 'Could not Load File or Assembly...'

The error in the Lexacom log files appears as

[ERROR] Lexacom.Program - LxATT failed to initialize due to the following exception.

System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.


Lexacom uses Microsoft .NET Framework, and changes to Lexacom 3.10 rely on .NET having installed a particular update.

The error message appears when Microsoft .NET Framework has not installed the March 2011 KB2468871 hotfix; this will often be a problem if Windows Update is disabled.


Installing the hotfix will apply the required changes to Microsoft .NET Framework to run Lexacom 3.10.

The hotfix may be downloaded from Microsoft at the link below; follow the instructions to download and run the updater.


Once the update is installed Lexacom should run without error. This hotfix must be applied on each PC that is receiving the error.

Created: 1 Apr 2016 10:33 BST Updated: 5 May 2016 12:55 BST
