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Guides - General - Search Function


How do I search for a particular name or number in my list of dictation?


Lexacom includes a Search function which can be brought up in any grid - such as the active Dictations list, or a user's Tracking. To do this, either:

  • Use the keyboard shortcut [Ctrl + F]


  • Right-click on any column heading
  • In the menu, click Show Find Panel

This will display the search bar within Lexacom.

Show Find Panel

Figure 1: Find Panel

To search for a particular term:

  • Enter the term into the field
  • Click Find or press Enter

The find panel will search individually for any terms separated by a space; to search for a term containing a space, enclose the term with quotation marks.


Searching for John Smith will return all entries containing John or Smith; searching for "John Smith" will only return entries containing exactly John Smith.


Created: 6 May 2015 10:42 BST Updated: 23 Nov 2015 09:13 GMT
