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Guides - Type - Changing Playback Settings in Lexacom Type


How do I change the actions linked to different pedals?

How do I change the amount that Lexacom automatically rewinds when I resume playing a dictation?


The settings for Lexacom Type may be accessed by going to Menu Icon > Settings within Lexacom Type.

Type Settings Window

Figure 1: Lexacom Type Settings

To change the pedal arrangement:

  • Go to Settings within Lexacom Type
  • Go to the Pedals box
  • In the drop-down menus, select the desired pedal action against each pedal
  • Click Save and then reopen Lexacom Type

To change the auto-rewind length:

  • Go to Settings within Lexacom Type
  • Go to the Playback box
  • Using the arrows, change the value against Auto Rewind By to the desired length (in seconds, to a maximum of 30s)
  • Click Save and then reopen Lexacom Type


Created: 30 Apr 2015 14:56 BST Updated: 23 Nov 2015 09:07 GMT
