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Guides - System Defaults - Specialities


How do I add, modify or deactivate Specialities?


Speciality Editor window


To add a Speciality:

  • Run Lexacom Admin
  • Go to Menu Icon > Settings > Defaults > Speciality
  • Click into the blank Speciality line that says Click Here to Add New Row
  • Enter a name for the Speciality in the first column
  • Tick the Active checkbox
  • Press Enter or click into the white space underneath to save the new Speciality


To modify a Speciality:

  • Go to Menu Icon > Settings > Defaults > Speciality
  • Click into the Name of the Speciality to modify in the first column
  • Modify the Speciality as desired
  • Press Enter or click into the white space underneath to save the changes to the Speciality


To deactivate a Speciality:

  • Go to Menu Icon > Settings > Defaults > Speciality
  • Untick the Active checkbox for the Speciality to be deactivated


Created: 18 May 2015 15:15 BST Updated: 13 Aug 2015 10:51 BST
