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Guides - Admin - Dictation Disposal (Clearing Audio Files)


Lexacom stores the audio files that are created when users dictate on a central server. Over time, users may wish to remove some of the audio files for old, finished dictations to free up space. Dictation Disposal allows the Lexacom Administrator to erase old audio files from the central folder on the server, in order to save space and reduce the footprint of the Lexacom folder. Disposing of audio files is a permanent action and cannot be undone.


Dictation Disposal Window

Figure 1: Dictation Disposal Window

To dispose of old dictations:

  • Run Lexacom as the Administrator
  • Go to  Menu Icon > Data > Dictation Disposal

The window that appears will display the list of dictations that will be disposed of according to the Disposal Threshold (older than the number of days showing in the bottom-left-hand corner). Only dictations marked as Dispatched and that have been finished outside of the Disposal Threshold will show in the list.

  • Increase or decrease the Disposal Threshold to increase or decrease the date before which dictations are removed
  • Review the list of dictations to ensure that you approve of the audio files that are going to be erased
  • Click Dispose Dictations – a prompt will appear to ensure you are happy that the audio files will be removed

Files that have had their audio file disposed of will still appear in the tracking, and will appear in Reports and Dashboards, but will no longer be able to be reclaimed or reloaded by users. At present it is not possible to selectively save the audio file for a dictation that falls outside of the Disposal Threshold, but if there is a reason that the audio file on a particular dictation needs to be saved please contact the Support Team before running the Dictation Disposal tool, who can back up the audio file before the Dictation Disposal is run, and then restore this once the other files have been erased. If you are using a document editor within Lexacom, the typed document is not erased in this process.

Created: 5 May 2015 11:52 BST Updated: 23 Nov 2015 09:11 GMT
