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Docman - Configuring Docman Integration


How do I configure Lexacom to integrate with Docman?


Lexacom supports integration with Docman, allowing users to attach files from Docman to Lexacom dictations, and file documents on Dispatching a dictation.

Lexacom must use the Clinical System Integration feature to integrate with Docman. Lexacom may use the Document Editor feature with Docman, filing the document created within Lexacom.


Configure Clinical System Integration

If not already using Clinical System Integration, configure Lexacom to integrate with the Clinical System.






Configure Docman Integration

To configure Docman integration:

  • Run Lexacom Admin
  • Go to Menu Icon > Settings > Docman Settings

Docman Configuration Form

Figure 1: Docman Configuration Form


  • Tick the Enable Docman Integration checkbox
  • Enter the Docman Practice Code in the Site Code box
    • To find the Docman Practice Code, open Docman and go to Settings > Administer System > Site + Eng > Site Details
  • Tick the Use NHS Number as Patient ID checkbox if you wish to file documents to Docman using the NHS number; if unchecked, dictations will be filed using the patient's clinical system ID
  • Enter the top-level Docman folder in the Folder Name field - this is case sensitive
  • Enter the section under which the document will be filed in the Filing Section field - in most cases this will be Patients
  • Click Save & Close


Configure File Document on Dispatch

All users that need to file documents into Docman must have the File Document on Dispatch setting active; to set this:

  • Run Lexacom Admin
  • Go to Menu Icon > Settings > Users Editor
  • Select the type of user - Talk or Type
  • Click Edit
  • Tick the checkbox for File Document on Dispatch
  • Click Save
  • Repeat for all users that require the Docman integration



Created: 17 Sep 2015 15:12 BST Updated: 7 Jun 2016 12:01 BST
