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Guides - Type - Overview of Lexacom Type


How do I transcribe dictation through Lexacom 3?


1 - Loading the Dictation

To load the dictation:

  • Double-click on the dictation in the list of dictations, or
  • Single-click to select the dictation, and click Load (Icon)

The list of dictation will automatically minimise to allow you to view your word-processor or clinical system, and will remain greyed-out whilst you have a dictation loaded.



2 - Playing the Dictation

Whilst most sites will use a foot pedal control to control the playback of the dictation, you may wish to have on-screen buttons to control the playback if you have no foot pedal. To show these, click your Menu icon (Icon) and click Show Playback Controls.


From the toolbar

Using a foot pedal control

To play the dictation

Press Play (Icon) on the toolbar

Press and hold the Right pedal on the foot pedal control

To pause recording

Press Stop (Icon) on the toolbar

Release the Right pedal on the foot pedal control

To rewind recording

Press Rewind (Icon) on the toolbar

Press and hold the Left pedal on the foot pedal control

To fast-forward recording

Press FastForward (Icon) on the toolbar

Press and hold the Centre pedal on the foot pedal

To view the current dictation’s details

Press View Dictation Details (Icon) on the toolbar


3 - Completing the Dictation

Whilst the dictation is loaded, no other dictation can be loaded – the Dictation list will remain greyed-out to indictate this. To finish the dictation, or return it back to the list of waiting dictaton, press one of the five toolbar buttons:


Toolbar Button


To finish the dictation

Press Finish (Icon) on the toolbar

Marks the dictation as finished (‘Dispatched’) and puts a record into your Tracking

To eject the dictation

Press Eject (Icon) on the toolbar

Unloads the current dictation; returns it to the dictation list of only the current user

To forward the dictation

Press Forward (Icon) on the toolbar

Unloads the current dictation; allows the user to return it back to another user or pool

To return the dictation for review

Press Return Dictation (Icon) on the toolbar

Returns the dictation to the author for review and amendment or clarification, if necessary

To finish dictation and load another

Press Finish & Load Next (Icon) on toolbar

Finishes the current dictation as Finish Dictation and immediately loads another

Created: 25 Jun 2015 09:13 BST Updated: 23 Nov 2015 09:14 GMT
