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Lexacom Mobile -2- A Lexacom author has requested Lexacom Mobile access


If a Lexacom Talk user creates a Lexacom Cloud account (see here) then the Lexacom Administrator will receive an email that says "A User has requested to join your Lexacom Cloud Organisation account".

This is a necessary security step to ensure that you can control who is able to send work from their mobile device to your organisation.

If you are happy for them to be given permission to send dictations securely to your organisation, the please follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the link in the email to go to the Lexacom Cloud website.
  2. Log on to your Administrator account (using the email and password you used to Register Lexacom 3 when it was installed)
  3. The user requesting permission will be displayed.  Change their Active status to Yes
  4. Only change their Administrator access to Yes if you wish them to share the administrator role with you. (Not recommended).
  5. Click Save to confirm the user has been activated.
  6. Close the Lexacom Cloud window and run Lexacom 3.
  7. Log on as the Administrator.
  8. Go to the Settings menu and then select Mobile User Settings.
  9. Click the Synchronise button.
  10. Once this process has completed, the user can log on to Lexacom Mobile.

If you wish to remove this user's access, you can do so by logging on to the Lexacom Cloud website and changing their Active staus to 'No'.

A Lexacom Mobile user is allowed a month's free trial of Lexacom Mobile which starts when they send their first dictation.  Continued use requires a Lexacom Mobile licence as detailed in the email you received as part of the activation process.

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Created: 27 Jan 2015 10:34 GMT Updated: 5 Sep 2016 16:53 BST
