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Guides - Talk - Changing Talk between Form and Toolbar Mode


What is the difference between Form and Toolbar mode?

How do I change Lexacom Talk between Form and Toolbar mode?


Form and Toolbar modes are two different appearances of Lexacom Talk.

Form Mode displays Lexacom Talk as a window, which can be moved and resized like other windows.

Toolbar Mode displays Lexacom Talk as a toolbar pinned to the top of the screen; other windows will resize underneath the Lexacom toolbar which may be useful when running Lexacom in parallel with other programs.


To change from Form Mode to Toolbar Mode:

  • Click the Toolbar Mode button ( Menu Icon ) or use keyboard shortcut Ctrl+B

To change from Toolbar Mode to Form Mode:

  • Go to Menu Icon > Form Mode


The appearance of Lexacom Talk is personal to the user.

Created: 12 May 2015 10:55 BST Updated: 23 Nov 2015 09:07 GMT
