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Guides - Type - Choosing when to Eject, Forward or Finish


What is the difference between 'Ejecting' and 'Forwarding' a Dictation?

When should I use ‘Eject Dictation’?

When should I use ‘Forward Dictation’?

When should I use ‘Finish Dictation’?


Eject Dictation

Ejecting a dictation returns the dictation to that user’s list of active dictations, but not to the list of active dictations for any other Lexacom Type users. It is best to eject a dictation when the user has loaded the dictation and needs to load another dictation or close Lexacom, and they do not want the dictation to be accessible to other users (for example, because they have already begun to type the dictation).



Mary is halfway through typing a dictation when a dictation that must be typed immediately appears in her list of typing. She does not want the dictation that she is working on to return to other users, so she ejects the dictation which returns to her active dictation list. Once the urgent dictation has been typed, Mary can continue to work on the ejected dictation.



Forward Dictation

Forwarding a dictation returns the dictation to a pool or other user; if returned to a pool, the dictation will appear in the list of active dictation for all Lexacom Type users in that pool. It is best to forward a dictation where the user has loaded a dictation and needs to load another dictation or close Lexacom, and they want the dictation to be accessible to other users – for example, because that user has not begun the typing, or the typing needs to be done by another user (e.g. if the user is about to go on leave).


Mary is partway through typing a dictation at the end of the day, and is about to go on leave. As the dictation must be typed before she returns, she forwards the dictation back to the typing pool. The dictation will now appear in the list of active dictations for all members of the pool, and one of those users can type the dictation whilst she is away.


Finish Dictation

Finishing a dictation removes it from the active dictation lists, and an entry for the dictation will appear in the user’s Tracking. A dictation should be finished when the user is satisfied that they have completed and actioned any typing for the dictation, and are ready to mark that dictation as ‘Dispatched’. Dictations that have been finished can be retrieved from Tracking if necessary, provided that the audio file has not been erased by the Administrator through the Dictation Disposal function.


Mary has finished typing a dictated letter, and has printed and posted this. As there is no more work to complete for this dictation, Mary finishes the dictation. If there was a discrepancy with the finished letter, the dictation could be retrieved from tracking for review.


Created: 22 Jun 2015 16:31 BST Updated: 23 Nov 2015 09:08 GMT
