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3rd Party Services -3- Configuring Type users for transcription services


This guide shows you how to configure Lexacom Admin to allow Type users to take advantage of third party transcription services.


To access the previous guides in this series, please follow the links below.


1 of 4 - Applying for a transcription service

2 of 4 - Configuring your transcription service pool






Video Guide

In this video we show you how to configure Lexacom to use allow Type users to access transcription services.

3 of 4 - Configuring Type users for transcription services

Next Steps

In the final video we explain how to configure Lexacom for Talk users to take advantage of third party transcription services.


4 of 4 - Configuring Talk users for transcription services


NB: Before using the Transcription Service, please ensure that you have performed the Checklist

Created: 11 Feb 2015 08:59 GMT Updated: 8 Nov 2015 19:30 GMT
