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Installation - Upgrading to Windows 7


What needs to be considered when upgrading to Windows 7?


Will Lexacom and the hardware be compatible?

Lexacom 3 is compatible with Windows 7, as is any hardware on our Supported Hardware list. There may be some edge cases where certain earlier models of hardware that do not appear on our Supported Hardware list function in Lexacom 3 on Windows XP; in this case there is no guarantee if the hardware does not appear on our Supported Hardware list that this will continue to function in Windows 7.


Will the SQL Data or Database location be affected?

In most implementations of Lexacom, Lexacom 3 uses a Microsoft SQL Express instance to manage a database containing the site's information, and a shared data folder to hold the audio data and central configuration information. To confirm the locations of both of these:

  • On any PC with Lexacom 3, browse to C:\ProgramData\Aprobrium\Lexacom3
  • Open Lexacom3.cfg in Notepad
  • Make a note of the data share location between the tags

This is the shared folder holding the audio data and central configuration. If this location will be affected by the upgrade, please contact the Lexacom Support team for further advice.

  • Browse to this location, and open Lexacom3.server.cfg
  • Make a note of the database against Data Source within the tags

This value is recorded as hostname\instance\database. If this location will be affected by the upgrade, please contact the Lexacom Support team for further advice.


How do I reinstall Lexacom 3?

For guidance notes on reinstalling Lexacom 3, please refer to our knowledgebase article on Installing Lexacom 3 and granting Local Folder Permissions.

Installation media for Lexacom 3 is typically left in or around the shared data location. Please check the first two numbers (the version number) that any client installer is labelled with; if this does not match the Latest Version Number then please contact the Support Team who can provide the correct installer (it is not required that the build number matches; if the permissions and Version are correct, there should be no problem with Lexacom updating to the correct build if required).




Created: 12 May 2015 12:03 BST Updated: 22 Jul 2015 15:57 BST
