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Guides - General - Exporting Tracking Data to Microsoft EXCEL


How do I export tracking data to Excel?


Tracking data in Lexacom 3 may be exported to Microsoft Excel for analysis and manipulation in a familiar environment, either in paralel to or in place of using Reports. To export data:

Lexacom Admin Tracking Window

Figure 1: Lexacom Admin Tracking grid, showing Export button in the top-right

  • Ensure that the current grid shows the desired data; exporting will export the current view including any grouping or filters set.
  • Click Export
  • When prompted, choose a filename and location
  • Click Save to export the data to that file

The saved file may be opened in Microsoft Excel and the data may be manipulated there (for example, to find Sums or Averages). Making changes to the data in the saved Excel spreadsheet will not affect the data shown in Lexacom.


Exported Data in Excel


Figure 2: Example of Exported Tracking Data in Excel

Created: 11 May 2015 15:24 BST Updated: 23 Nov 2015 09:12 GMT
