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SQL - Backing Up the Lexacom Database


How do I back up the database in Lexacom 3?


The database in Lexacom 3 stores all the non-audio information within your Lexacom system, including user profiles and the catalogue of dictation.

When Lexacom 3 is installed the technicians endeavour to put the Lexacom SQL instance and database on a server that is backed up regularly to ensure that if there is a failure of the host system or a problem with the database itself, that there is a backup that can be rolled back to.

For your own peace of mind or to assist with migrating the database from one host system to another, you may wish to take your own backup of the Lexacom database.


To back up the Lexacom database from within Lexacom:

  • Run Lexacom Admin
  • Go to Menu Icon > Data > Database Administration
  • Click Backup Database
  • Allow the backup to complete
  • Once complete, a prompt will appear asking if you wish to view the file:
    • If you wish to view the file, click Yes
    • The backup file will have the name datestamped as 'Lexacom yyyymmdd hhmmss.bak'
    • If you prefer, copy the database backup to your own folder or storage media
  • The database backup will be stored in the Backup folder in the location of your Network Data Path



Created: 18 May 2015 15:15 BST Updated: 22 Jul 2015 16:19 BST
