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Guides - Admin - Change Services for Many Users


How do I change the services for many users without having to update each user individually?


Sometimes it may be necessary to make a change of the 'Send to' service for many users - for example, when making large changes to your workflow - and whilst it would be possible to manually update each user, Lexacom provides an option to make a change to a large number of users at the same time.


'Send to' Services

To make a bulk change to the 'Send to' services:

Menu Icon

Figure 1: Send to Service Permissions

  • Run Lexacom Admin
  • Go to Menu Icon > Settings > Bulk User Permissions > Send To Service Permissions
  • On the left, tick the checkbox for each user that the change will apply to
  • On the right, set the Default service in the drop-down menu
  • Set any optional services by ticking the checkboxes underneath
  • Click Apply to make the change to all of the selected users


'Forward to' Services

To make a bulk change to the 'Forward to' services:

Menu Icon

Figure 2: Forward to Service Permissions

  • Run Lexacom Admin
  • Go to Menu Icon > Settings > Bulk User Permissions > Forward To Service Permissions
  • On the left, tick the checkbox for each user that the change will apply to
  • On the right, set the services by ticking the checkboxes
  • Click Apply to make the change to all of the selected users


'Return to' Services

To make a bulk change to the 'Send to' services:

Menu Icon

Figure 1: Send to Service Permissions

  • Run Lexacom Admin
  • Go to Menu Icon > Settings > Bulk User Permissions > Return To Service Permissions
  • On the left, tick the checkbox for each user that the change will apply to
  • On the right, set the Default service in the drop-down menu
  • Set any optional services by ticking the checkboxes underneath
  • Click Apply to make the change to all of the selected users


Created: 21 May 2015 12:24 BST Updated: 23 Nov 2015 09:06 GMT
