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Guides - General - I have forgotten my Lexacom Cloud password


I need to log on to the Lexacom Cloud website, but I can not remember my password.


I need to log on Lexacom Mobile, but I can not remember my password.



When Lexacom is installed an Administrator account is created using a unique email and secure password.  The same happens when a user creates a Lexacom Cloud account to be able to use Lexacom Mobile.

If the password is forgotten or if you wish to change it for any other reason, please follow the instructions below to create a new secure password.



  • In your browser, go to www.Lexacomcloud.com and click on 'Login' at the top right of the screen.
  • When the screen is shown, click on 'Forgotten Password?' just underneath the 'Login' button.
  • On the next screen, enter the email address used for your Lexacom Cloud account and click on 'Submit'
  • If the email address is matched to your account it will say 'An email has been sent to name@emailaddress.co.uk from cloud@lexacomcloud.com with a link for you to reset your password'
  • Check your email account and open the email from 'Lexacom Cloud'.
  • Click on the 'Reset Your Password' link (or copy and paste the link into your browser) and enter your email address and new password as requested, Your change will be verfied is sucessful.
  • If you are the Administrator for a Lexacom 3 installation, please ensure that you log on to Lexacom Admin, and click on Product Registration from the menu, then click on Connect to a Group tab and enter your new password before clicking on 'Validate' to confirm the change.  Lexacom 3 will report errors until this is done and will stop working after 8 days.
  • If you are using Lexacom Mobile, please log into the account again from the settings menu using the new password and select the correct group and settings from the default menu.
  • Go to www.lexacomcloud.com and log on with your new details to see what services and options are available for you, or to use the Lexacom Shop for purchasing new licences or see special deals on hardware.

Created: 27 Jan 2015 10:18 GMT Updated: 15 Aug 2016 16:44 BST
