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Lexacom Mobile -3- Logging into Lexacom Mobile


How do I log into Lexacom Mobile?


Download the App

The Lexacom Mobile app may be downloaded from the App Store (for iOS devices) or the Google Play store (for Android devices). Lexacom Mobile is not supported on Blackberry or Windows phones. There is no charge to download the app. 


Log Into the App

This step requires a Lexacom Mobile account, following the creation and activation steps found here and here.

  • Tap the Settings tab in Lexacom Mobile
  • Tap Log in...
  • Enter the email address and password for the Lexacom Mobile account
  • Tap Log In

Set Organisation

  • Tap the Settings tab in Lexacom Mobile
  • Tap Organisation
  • Tap the name of the organisation within the list
If left as Personal Account the app will be able to make Memos but not send dictation. Dictations cannot be moved between Organisations, including the Personal Account - if a dictation is made under Personal Account, it cannot be moved to an Organisation to allow this to be sent.

Created: 18 Feb 2016 16:39 GMT Updated: 3 May 2016 14:46 BST
