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Lexacom Mobile -5- Setting a Passcode


How do I set a passcode to access the tracking in Lexacom Mobile?


To set a passcode:

  • Tap the Settings tab
  • Under System Settings, tap Passcode Lock
  • Tap Turn Passcode On
  • Enter a four-digit passcode
  • Reenter the passcode to confirm

Once set, the passcode will be required to view the Tracking.

Lexacom Mobile Settings          Set a Passcode          Lexacom Mobile Settings

Figure 1: Lexacom Mobile Settings; Figure 2: Turn Passcode On; Figure 3: Enter Passcode

To remove a passcode:

  • Tap the Settings tab
  • Under System Settings, tap Passcode Lock
  • Tap Turn Passcode Off
  • Enter the passcode

To change a passcode:

  • Tap the Settings tab
  • Under System Settings, tap Passcode Lock
  • Tap Change Passcode
  • Enter the old passcode
  • Enter a new passcode
  • Reenter the new passcode


Created: 23 Oct 2015 16:09 BST Updated: 18 Feb 2016 16:37 GMT
