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Guides - General - Changing the Appearance of Lexacom


How do I change the appearance of Lexacom?


Lexacom comes with a large number of inbuilt colour schemes ('skins') that users may change to modify the appearance of Lexacom. Each user may set their own preferred Skin and this will not affect the appearance of other users' Lexacom programs.

To change the Skin within Lexacom Talk:

  • Go to Menu Icon > Skin (if using Toolbar mode), or click Menu Icon (if using Form mode)
  • Click on a tile to select the desired Skin; this applies immediately

To change the Skin within Lexacom Type:

  • Go to Menu Icon > Settings
  • Under Skin Name use the drop-down menu to select the desired skin; this applies immediately

To change the Skin within Lexacom Admin:

  • Go to Menu Icon > Settings > Administrator > Change Skin
  • Click on a tile to select the desired Skin; this applies immediately

The default appearance of Lexacom 3 is the blue and grey McSkin scheme. The High Contrast scheme may be preferred for users with low or impaired vision to aid accessibility.


Skins Window

Figure 1: Skins Window



Created: 12 May 2015 11:10 BST Updated: 23 Nov 2015 09:08 GMT
