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Guides - Admin - Suppressing File Transfer Alerts


Is it possible to suppress the alerts that appear when a dictation has completed transferrring to the server?


Whilst in most cases the file transfer alerts will be useful for your Lexacom Talk users, there may be some need to prevent these from appearing. Suppressing file transfer alerts will apply to all users at your site - it is not possible to have the alerts appear for some users and not for others. To do this:

  • Run Lexacom Admin
  • Go to  Menu Icon > Settings > System Customisation > System Customisation
  • Go to the Other Settings tab
  • Tick the checkbox for Suppress File Transfer Alerts
  • Click Save

This will prevent Lexacom Monitor from displaying alerts when dictations have completed the file transfer onto the server. This change will apply when Lexacom Monitor is restarted, which will generally occur after users have logged out of Windows.

Created: 23 Jun 2015 10:43 BST Updated: 5 Sep 2016 16:49 BST
