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  1. Clinical System Integration - Automatically Importing from Clinical System
  2. Clinical System Integration - Configuring Multiple Clinical Systems
  3. Clinical System Integration - Using Multiple Clinical Systems
  4. Guides - Admin - Adding Custom Fields
  5. Guides - Admin - Change Services for Many Users
  6. Guides - Admin - Deactivating Old Users
  7. Guides - Admin - Dictation Disposal (Clearing Audio Files)
  8. Guides - Admin - Resetting a User's Password
  9. Guides - Admin - Suppressing File Transfer Alerts
  10. Guides - Admin - Viewing Recent Connections
  11. Guides - General - Adding and Viewing Attachments
  12. Guides - General - Changing your Lexacom Password
  13. Guides - General - Dictation Not Visible to All Type Users
  14. Guides - General - Exporting Tracking Data to Microsoft EXCEL
  15. Guides - General - Retrieving Dictations from Tracking
  16. Guides - General - Search Function
  17. Guides - General - Sorting and Grouping Dictation Grids
  18. Guides - System Defaults - Letter Types
  19. Guides - System Defaults - Priorities
  20. Guides - System Defaults - Specialities
  21. Guides - Talk - Changing Default Sounds in Lexacom Talk
  22. Guides - Talk - Changing Device Control Configuration
  23. Guides - Talk - Dictations Awaiting Review
  24. Guides - Talk - Difference between Insert, Overwrite or Recording Mode
  25. Guides - Talk - Holding a Dictation
  26. Guides - Talk - Overview of Lexacom Talk
  27. Guides - Talk - Silent Recording Detected
  28. Guides - Talk - Trim Function
  29. Guides - Type - Changing the Playback Speed in Lexacom Type
  30. Guides - Type - Choosing when to Eject, Forward or Finish
  31. Guides - Type - Overview of Lexacom Type
  32. Guides - Type - Returning Dictations to the Author
  33. Guides - Type - View the Details of the Loaded Dictation
  34. Lexacom Mobile - Lexacom Mobile Does Not Record
  35. Lexacom Mobile -3- Logging into Lexacom Mobile
  36. Lexacom Mobile -4- Using Lexacom Mobile
  37. Lexacom Mobile -5- Setting a Passcode
  38. Troubleshooting - Access to the Path ... Is Denied Error
  39. Troubleshooting - How can I access the Lexacom log files?